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In order to try out/compete on any of our sports teams, all students must have an up-to-date North Carolina sports physical on file at FFMS (LINK HERE). This must be submitted to the FFMS front office or emailed directly to our Athletic Director Tray Scott ( ) PRIOR to your child attending conditioning or tryouts. 

Along with the physical form, your child will need to be registered to try out through our online platform Rank One. You can check your child's athletic registration status by logging into our Rank One registration system HERE. Once there, you will see the four registration forms that must be completed. You will only need to complete these once a school year, so if your child wants to try out for different sports throughout the year, you will not have to register them again. Please make sure that your child is "Eligible to Participate" and highlighted Green. If it does not state that, then please look at the dropdown box with the registration forms for anything that is incomplete. 

Listed below are each fall sport that we offer, conditioning/tryout times, and each sport's coach contact email:

Soccer - Head Coach Steve Smalley ( )

August 19-23 - 330-530pm @ FFMS Soccer field


-This year, our soccer team will have ONE combined Coed team for conference games AND separate Boys/Girls teams for Non Conference games. Coach Smalley will be the Coed Head coach/Boys Head coach, while Coach Jason Stevens will be the Coed Assistant/Girls Head coach. At present count, we have 6 potential games for each team scheduled, along with the 7 conference games scheduled for our Coed team. More information regarding this will be discussed at tryouts with the team.

Golf - Coach Pat Hudspeth ( )

8/19-8/21 4-530pm @ Duck Woods

Football - Coach Matt Harrison ( )

Conditioning: 8/5, 8/7, 8/9 6-730pm. (Location TBD) 

Tryouts: 8/12-8/16 530-730pm @ Football Practice Field behind FFMS

Volleyball - Coach Corinne McClain ( )

8/19-8/21 3-5pm @ FFMS Gym